Update Patch 1.0

Hello Gamers! 

This is the first patch update 1.0 which has bug fixes and information on what other bugs are still in the game.

Bugs fixed:

  1. Fixed the save system where before the player was not able to store items i.e. dolls picked up and keys collected (on the second floor) after quitting and resuming the game.
  2. Fixed the save/death scenario where after saving and then dying the player would get a black screen and have to delete the save to start again. 
  3. Changed the position of the safe on the second floor in room 13 so now the player is able to collect the key without trapping themselves.
  4. Changed the interaction on the doors for all the rooms on the second floor so now the player can open the doors form inside the room and not become stuck after continuing from a save.
  5. Fixed the safe numbers combinations where before the player had to input the number from the right to left i.e. 00XX. Now the player has to put the number from left to right i.e. XX00. 
  6. Fixed the lift doors to close automatically and not be opened again once the player has entered a lift.
  7. Fixed the interaction with the buttons inside the lift where once pressed the lift door opened


  1. Improved the hight of the entrance door to be same hight as the player
  2. Changed the dialogue and background volume to be louder (still needs improving) 
  3. Added sound and dialogue voiceover while pressing the lift buttons to indicate what is happening.  
  4. Made background and dialogue volume a bit louder. (Still needs improvement)
  5. Resized the entrance door to the player's hight.
  6. Improved the clues in the picture frames on the ground floor to be clearer when doing the puzzle
  7. Improved the overall lighting in certain areas
  8. Improved the spikes to be easier while jumped over
  9. Improved the playable character's voiceover

Known issues:

  1. Save system: After a save has been done if the player dies or decided to stop at a certain point and then continues the game resets its original data (apart from dolls and keys collected). For example on floor two if a door has been opened it will reset back to it being closed.
  2. After pressing the Esc or Q button the game quits without asking the player. 
  3. No front end menu or pause menu

Thank you! 


The Cosy Hotel 3.3 GB
Version 2 68 days ago

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